Thursday, June 12, 2008

Two awesome fonts and....welll....the BEST album cover EVA!

Yes, Let's Skate, has got to be the best most awful gay mess of an album cover ever!
Now back to our regularly scheduled programme....
We SO want that Electric font we can barely contain ourselves. If anyone knows where how to get in touch with the red-neck girl who has that on her bedroom wall next to the dolphin leaping off a liquid world and Toby Kieth posters, please give her our info (we'll even take the unicorn).
The final font is a masterpiece in minimalism. It's amazing what one can do with a few lines and primary shapes. We know that there are a lot of fonts out there like this, but this one's colors caught our eye.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello, all! Well, it's Thursday and it's spring, and there are too-oo many colorful designs not to mention this invite constructed by Alex Bec. Bespoke type design with overlapping foil blocking. Lovely stuff. View more of Alex's work here.

Missed all of you!

Sorry it's been a few days, but we've been MAD busy! Me working on Gutter, Kari living in NYC (a job in and of itself!)
anyways, here's some fonts that we (well me anyway!) are craving! The second one was sent in by a loyal reader in Des Moines Iowa who wrote:

Dear IWTF,

It's been a long winter here on the farm...thought I would send you something....In my town, I'm considered "Different"
Farmer Ed Brown

Saturday, May 24, 2008

oh, JMG, this one's for you.

The kerning here, frankly, makes one wanna womit. The italic serifs are [agad] completely painful and indiscrete. And dear god, the dotted 'i'. However, I won't lie. I've been exactly here, in these very skinny italicized serifs, in these extremely fat lines ... all for you, old italic font - all for you. It is a lovely piece of history, kind of all over the place. But yet, it's still lovely, and the 'a' is damn near perfect.

Friday, May 23, 2008

all we need...

The tiny serif here,'s more than excusable. We like sans serif a lot, but we love this font. We like it, we love it, we want it. more to love here.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Laura's tight font...

Besides being one of the creepier movie posters ever made (it was done in a time before over -designed photoshop "grimy film" filters), the Eyes of Laura Mars sports a pretty rockin' font that we're dying to have. It looks like it could be the still-expensive Avant Garde, but maybe not. Anyway, we dig this font and we dig the movie (it's like Friday the 13th on Madison Avenue with a more f'ed up ending that we're still trying to figure out....but the fashion photography and soundtrack in the film SO makes up for all the improbable plot devices) so buy both.

Monday, May 19, 2008

thank you.

To those of you who may feel some measure of scorn for italics: this little deco-esque book cover treatment from the portfolio of Alex Prochut works it! - it really does. Kari also thinks it should be put to use to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. Happy Monday!